Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and treatments of the visual pathways including the eye, the brain and the areas surrounding the eye, such as the lacrimal system and eyelids.
The word ophthalmology comes from the Greek roots ophthalmos meaning eye and logos meaning word, thought or discourse; ophthalmology literally means "the science of eyes."
The majority of all input to the brain comes from vision.
Many of the expressions in the English language that mean to understand are equivalent vision terms. "I see," to mean "I understand."

How are ophthalmologists different from optometrists and opticians?
Since ophthalmologists are medical doctors trained to diagnose and to treat eye diseases, they are categorized as physicians and surgeons. Optometrists are optometric practitioners rather than medical doctors. Opticians dispense corrective lenses based on a prescription supplied by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. The lenses may be contact lenses or glasses.
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